This presents a problem when your child is spitting out a new word every day. Our new words this last week have been "poo poo", "keyboard", "Batman", "chicken", "kitty", "robot", "belly" and a few more. I would like to make sure he doesn't add "fuck" or "shit" to his vocabulary.
So, I'm starting a cuss jar. A good, old fashioned cuss jar. Every time I cuss in front of Cooper, I am going to put a dollar into the cuss jar and at the end of every month, it goes to Grandpa Joe to put into Coop's college fund. I have self control, but sometimes just forget that Cooper is a baby. Sometimes he just seems like a little buddy, and I have to remember that 1) he's my child 2) I need to cool it.
I'm curious to see how much money is in the cuss jar by Friday (It's Saturday).